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2023年,知名导演推出的其他类短片《万人之上》将在中国大陆上映。这部影片由秦牧、汐瑶等艺人担任主演,讲述了一个浓墨重彩的家庭伦理故事。 故事的主要讲述内容是:外出打工的秦牧意外发现妻子和一个男士在家里胡闹,妻子立刻选择了逃避。当她看到秦牧时有话直说——“既然你都已看到了,我也没什么好说的了。快把这份离婚协议书签字吧,然后收拾行李走人?! ?/p> 然而,作为一位忠厚而勤劳的丈夫,秦牧依然把耐心放在先 as he brings reasoning into the conversation. He tells his wife that whether it is his house or her freedom, both are purchased with his hard earned wages. As the conversation goes on, he seems to forgive them and wants to resolve the issues peacefully. The short film of 'Above everybody else' is a battle of a man's strength of character in the face of a personal tragedy. Not only is it a story worth watch, it also brings into discussion the importance of marriage, loyalty and charity for those who make sacrifices every day for their families. How will Qin Mu reconciliation between this family? Does he succeed in breaking through this difficult situation? You have to watch to find out